Ten’s Strange Adventure - Chapter 1 - ZakuAce (2024)

Chapter Text

Tenshinhan raised his right hand, his eyes fixed on his target above him. Anger and frustration brewed within him as he took aim at the brute of a warrior laughing in the middle of the air about the pointless death of his best friend, who had just attempted a kamikaze attack on the brute. This was it; he was going to die here, and he accepted that fact. He had to go down fighting, doing his best to make any difference in this battle against alien invaders.

Ten quickly aimed, pushing his ki and life energy into his one remaining hand as he targeted the brute, Napa. He didn't bother holding back the amount of life energy he poured into this final, great attack. Flexing his fingers, he released it. “Kikoho!” he roared, shooting the massive energy blast upward at his target. The entire sky lit up as he slammed Napa with the full power of his final strike. As he fell forward, he knew it had failed without even needing to look; he knew he had failed and he was dead.

Breathing hard, feeling the dirt upon his face, he looked up at the sky from the ground. He wasn’t surprised when he saw Napa fine with his armor taking the force of Ten’s attack. This was how it was; he was in a world of crazy aliens and warrior races born with insane natural talent. But he'd be damned if he didn’t try his best to keep up with them. He was a warrior, and he would always be a warrior; that was just his way. He closed his eyes for what he thought would be the final and last time, and oddly, he smiled, having this odd confidence that his friends would find a way to be safe and win the day.

Tenshinhan found himself in front of a light, the whole area of his vision white, this light taking some vague shape as he stood there. He blinked as he looked at this light, pausing not sure what the hell was going on, where he was or how he was there. He could feel this calmness in him, his arm that was cut off, was back fully, and he felt no pain from the very intense battle he had just experienced against the Saiyan Nappa. He looked on wondering what was going on and where he was, though.

“What is it that you wish more than anything else?” was the question that filled his mind in that second, what he wanted. He paused as he thought about this for a long moment before he would reply. He wanted to say what was right and true to himself, his three eyes all closing as he thought over the answer.

“What is it that you wish more than anything else?” was the question that filled his mind in that second. He paused, his three eyes closing as he pondered deeply. With unwavering determination, he replied, "I wish for the opportunity to continue my journey of growth, to be in an environment where I can learn, hone my skills, and unlock new abilities through hard work and dedication. True strength comes not from shortcuts, but from the journey itself."

“You are an interesting one, Tenshinhan. Normally, people would desire only the end goal of strength and power, but you seek the opportunity to grow stronger,” the voice remarked, chuckling at the uniqueness of the three-eyed stoic martial artist. “I shall grant your request, though I believe this shall prove to be a most intriguing experience for you, my friend,” the voice continued before the light faded, the world around Tenshinhan vanishing as his vision blurred and everything dissolved like a fleeting dream before him.

Tenshinhan pushed his hands against the grass, confirming his existence. Alive, he was pretty sure of it, though how and where remained a mystery. Nevertheless, this was his current location, and his priority was to ascertain where exactly he was and what his next steps should be. Surveying his surroundings as he gathered his bearings, he found himself in a vast grass field, the blades swaying gently in the breeze. Beyond the plain lay trees in three directions, and a dirt road cut through the landscape. The trail appeared well-traveled, evident from the deep ruts left by wheels passing over it. These were not the tracks of cars or bikes but something simpler and more primitive.

Gathering himself, he stood, his three eyes scanning the area around himself as he was sure that he could sense other creatures, beings around himself moving through the high tall grass of this natural plane. He looked carefully not wanting to make the first move as he knew that would give him no advantage in any fight and it was best to know what the hell was going on, where he was or the status of the land that he was at in that moment.

The tall, powerful warrior took a deep breath as he cleared his mind, then glanced at his wrist, noticing a peculiar band adorning it. It was strange to see, and he had no clue about its purpose, but it remained firmly attached to his wrist as he examined it. The band appeared sturdy and intricately designed, resembling a sophisticated wristwatch with its elegant gold accents. He wondered about its function, intrigued by its presence.

As he moved, he spotted a group of slimes, blue and featureless, moving as if alive toward him, leaping off the ground in his direction. Tien shifted into a defensive stance, swiftly attacking and bursting each slime with a single, well-placed strike from his hands. His skills remained as impressive as ever. His movements were precise, and he found it surprising as he felt the water-like substance from the slime on his hands. He sniffed it curiously before wiping it off on a piece of cloth he found nearby. Additionally, he noticed copper-lined coins amidst the remnants of the slimes, so he picked them up and stowed them away, considering they might prove useful later on.

As he walked forward, he noticed more of these slimes moving towards him, perhaps driven by a desire for revenge for their defeated comrades, though they posed no real threat. Tien observed other creatures in the area as well—green goblins wielding peculiar spears crafted from wood and stone. He anticipated a fight ahead, albeit an easy one, but a battle nonetheless.

Tien wasted no time in controlling his attacks, bursting each of the slimes with powerful punches that sent their goo flying backward onto the ground. He then turned his attention to the goblins, swiftly dispatching each one with a rapid combination of punches too fast for the little monsters to perceive, let alone defend against. It was a quick and easy fight that left the three-eyed warrior feeling confident as he stood in the middle of the field, now aware that these strange monsters inhabited the bizarre world in which he found himself.

More creatures came, attracted by the scent of the slime goo on the ground. It seemed as if the goo itself emitted a call for others to come and attack him, or perhaps to fight him. Tien dealt with each newcomer one by one as their numbers grew and time passed. It wasn't particularly difficult, but the duration of the fight soon turned it into a fun challenge for the ever-stoic warrior. His movements became increasingly fierce and focused as he battled on, growing stronger with each encounter against these low-tier enemies. His unwavering focus fueled his power.

Seeing a massive group of larger slimes moving at him, he was going to not hold back as he prepared his hands, they were glowing as he put them together before spreading them into a triangle. “Kikoho,” Tien roared as the massive blast vaporized the whole area ahead of him in a single powerful strike that left the field empty other than a whole lot of copper and silver coins that fell to the ground. As he stood there, he figured that his fight against these little monsters was done.

Tien looked around when he noticed more movement. Was this someone else coming out to fight him? He remained poised and ready, confident in his abilities to handle a one-on-one match easily. As he saw the figure approaching the edge of the grass, he prepared himself.

As she figure came towards the edge of the grass, the watch-like wristband on his wrist activated as it turned red, and the words ‘Waifu approaching’ came up, as he wondered what the hell was going on, as he looked up, he then saw the person before him and raised an eyebrow at the sight.

As the figure approached the edge of the grass, the watch-like wristband on Tenshinhan's wrist activated, turning red, and the words ‘Waifu approaching’ appeared. He wondered what the hell was going on as he looked up and then saw the person before him, raising an eyebrow at the sight.

Makoto stepped forward, her karate gi swaying with her movements as she approached Tenshinhan. She had seen him effortlessly dispatch the slimes and goblins in the area, drawing her attention with his incredible power. Though she didn't know his name, she could sense his strength and skill.

"Hey there," Makoto greeted, her voice confident and assertive. "You're quite the fighter, huh? I've never seen anyone take down those monsters with such ease. What's your secret?" She crossed her arms, studying Tenshinhan with a mix of curiosity and admiration.

“Hard work, dedication, and a lot of training—both in the Crane style and the Kami style of martial arts,” Tenshinhan said calmly and stoically as he looked at the dark-haired woman in front of him. Glancing at his watch, it provided information about the woman before him.

Name: Makoto
Waifu Type: Fighter
Rarity: Rare
Level: 5
Rank: Novice
Trainer: None


Attack: 8
Defense: 7
Speed: 6
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 6
HP (Hit Points): 70
AP (Action Points): 100


Basic Attack Skill: Haymaker - Makoto delivers a powerful punch with precision, dealing moderate damage to the target. (Cost: 15 AP)

Support Skill: Focus - Makoto focuses her energy, increasing her defense for a short duration. (Cost: 20 AP)

Advance Skill: Tanden Renki - Makoto channels her inner strength, significantly boosting her attack power for a limited time but leaving her vulnerable afterwards. (Cost: 40 AP)

Makoto listened intently to Tenshinhan's words, her eyes shining with admiration as he described his dedication to the Crane and Kami styles of martial arts. She could sense the power and discipline behind his calm demeanor, and she felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of learning from someone so skilled.

"Wow, that's incredible," Makoto exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine awe. "Your dedication to your training is truly inspiring. I've never seen anyone with such mastery over their techniques. I've been looking for a mentor to help me improve my own skills, and... well, would you consider teaching me, Tenshinhan? I'd be honored to learn from someone as powerful as you." She bowed respectfully, her determination evident in her eyes as she awaited his response.

Tenshinhan regarded Makoto with his trademark stoicism, his three eyes reflecting a mixture of contemplation and determination. "Your enthusiasm is commendable," he began, his voice measured and calm. "But training in the Crane and Kami styles requires dedication and discipline beyond measure. It is not a path to be taken lightly."

He paused for a moment, assessing Makoto's resolve. "If you are truly determined to walk this path, then I will consider it. But know this: the journey will be arduous, and there will be no shortcuts. Are you prepared to endure the challenges that lie ahead?"

Makoto straightened, meeting Tenshinhan's gaze with unwavering determination. "I understand, Tenshinhan," she replied, her voice firm and resolute. "I am ready to face whatever challenges come my way. I may be young and inexperienced, but I'm willing to put in the work and dedication required to master the Crane and Kami styles."

She clenched her fists, her resolve evident in every line of her body. "I want to become stronger, not just for myself, but to honor my family's legacy and to protect those I care about. If you're willing to guide me, I'll give it my all, Tenshinhan. Please, let me be your student."

Tenshinhan observed Makoto's unwavering determination, sensing the sincerity in her words. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly, acknowledging her resolve. "Very well, Makoto," he said, his tone firm yet supportive. "I will take you under my wing and teach you the ways of the Crane and Kami styles. But remember, the path of a martial artist is not an easy one. You will face challenges and hardships beyond what you can imagine. Are you prepared to face them with courage and perseverance?"

Makoto's expression hardened with resolve as she met Tenshinhan's gaze. "I am," she replied without hesitation. "I will do whatever it takes to become stronger."

With a nod of approval, Tenshinhan extended his hand towards Makoto. "Then let us begin," he said, a hint of determination in his voice. "Together, we will embark on this journey of growth and mastery."

Makoto pauses for a moment, “first you must capture me in one of those waifu balls,” she says as she points to the six waifu balls that are attached to his bag.

Makoto's request took Tenshinhan by surprise, but he quickly understood her intentions. Without hesitation, he reached for one of the waifu balls attached to his bag and tossed it towards her. The ball engulfed Makoto in a flash of light before she reappeared, escaping from the ball's confines. She nodded firmly, her determination unwavering.

"Now we are a team, Tenshinhan," Makoto declared, her eyes shining with determination. She was ready to embark on this journey of learning and growth alongside her new mentor, eager to absorb everything the enigmatic three-eyed warrior had to offer.

Ten’s Strange Adventure - Chapter 1 - ZakuAce (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.