Jum Jills (Energy Balls) Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (2024)

ByTiffany McCauley

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These Jum Jills (energy balls) are the perfect take-along snack!

Please pardon my foray into the world of children’s literature for a moment. With a 3-year-old in the house, it’s pretty much inevitable.

Jum Jills (Energy Balls) Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (1)

One of Mini Chef’s favorite books is The Funny Thing, by Wanda Gag. It’s a story about a little dragon who is actually rather vain. And in an attempt to become more beautiful, inadvertently forces a little forest gnome to make treats called Jum-Jills because he thinks these treats will make him more beautiful (and they do!).Jum Jills (Energy Balls) Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (2)

In the book, Jum-Jills consist of 7 nut cakes, 5 seed puddings, 2 cabbage salads, and 15 little cheeses. Now, I have to admit that this particular combination did not appeal to my finer senses. In fact, the thought of nut cakes, seed puddings, and cabbage salad with cheese pretty much turned my stomach altogether.

But Mini Chef was absolutely convinced that he needed to eat some Jum-Jills after reading this book for the millionth time. So Jum-Jills is exactly what he got (with a few minor alterations that he never need know about, of course).

I have to warn you, these things definitely fall into the “addictive foods” category. You absolutely cannot eat just one. And to top it all off, they make fabulous snacks similar to Lara Bars! Make a double batch of these while you’re watching tv one night (providing you have a tv in the kitchen, of course), and you’ll have grab-n-go snacks for days! And if you’re a runner, these would be perfect before a run. They’ll truly keep you going!

Jum Jills (Energy Balls) Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (3)

About The Ingredients

Raw cashews

Medjool dates– Pitted and packed tight for measuring.

Topping Options

  • unsweetened cocoa powdermixed with equal parts date sugar
  • unsweetened coconut flakes
  • chia seeds
  • flax seed(or flax meal)

How To Make Jum Jills

  • Place the nuts and date in a food processor and blend until it turns into a solid lump of dough. This can take a few minutes, so be patient.
  • Using small amounts, roll the dough into ½ inch balls and then roll in the topping of your choice.
  • NOTE: Keep an old towel handy because your hands will get oily.


Store in the fridge for up to 5 days.


Freezing is highly recommended, as these can be eaten straight from the freezer for a deliciously chewy texture.

More Energy Ball Recipes

  • Matcha Energy Balls
  • Holiday Energy Ball Snowmen
  • No-Bake Coconut Energy Balls


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Jum Jills (Energy Balls) Recipe Card

Jum Jills (Energy Balls) Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (5)

Jum Jills

These handy, take-along snacks are perfect travel snacks!

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Course: Appetizer, Dessert, Snack

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 30 minutes minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes minutes

Servings: 50 energy balls (approximately)

Calories: 36kcal


  • 2 cups raw cashews
  • 1 cup medjool dates (pitted and packed tight for measuring)

Topping Options

  • unsweetened cocoa powder mixed with equal parts date sugar
  • unsweetened coconut flakes
  • chia seeds
  • flax seed (or flax meal)
  • sesame seeds

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  • Place the nuts and date in a food processor and blend until it turns into a solid lump of dough. This can take a few minutes, so be patient.

  • Using small amounts, roll the dough into ½ inch balls and then roll in the topping of your choice.

  • NOTE: Keep an old towel handy because your hands will get oily.


Please note that the nutrition data below is a ballpark figure. Exact data is not possible. Note that the data does not reflect any toppings.


Serving: 1energy ball | Calories: 36kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Fat: 2g | Potassium: 54mg | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 5IU | Calcium: 4mg | Iron: 0.4mg

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  1. Sarah – Haha! Ya, not sure I’d recreate the stuff in that book either. But it is a fun book! These are mildly sweet from the dates. They are “just right”. Yummy!


  2. Jodi – You can’t stop at just one. It’s physically impossible. Trust me. I’ve tried.
    You’re dates sound yummy! Try sprinkling a little cinnamon across the top. Amazing!


  3. My son’s favorite book was “Where the Wild Things Are.” I bought it for him when he was 3. We read it over and over. Now he buys it for his friends’ and cousins’ kids. He’s 33.
    My favorite was “Through the Looking Glass.” Every thing is backwards. Being left-handed I really related to being in a land where everything is reversed.


    1. Jodi – Both are wonderful books!! Thanks for sharing that!


  4. Jodi – Oh yes! That would give them a little kick. Great idea!


  5. Hi, I just came across your blog and it is wonderful! I was just wondering if you drink replacement shakes like whey or do you primarily eat clean foods? Thanks!!


    1. K. – I do make green smoothies and will occasionally add 100% hemp protein to that. But as a rule, I don’t generally use protein powders because I get so much protein in my diet as it is from meat and eggs.


  6. So what is date sugar? I can’t find it anywhere.


    1. ConfusedPB – It’s a crystal like sugar made from dates. Some health food stores carry it. I would call around or order online.


      1. Thank you and I should have asked at the same time madjool dates are they a special type of dates?


        1. I believe so, but I could be wrong. It’s the only kind I’ve ever seen or purchased though. I think any dates will work.


  7. I liked these WAY more than I thought I might… Looking forward to making more. Oh, and as a side note… you weren’t joking when you said A) “This can take a few minutes, so be patient.” I was watching and thinking… this is never going to work out and then BAM… it all of a sudden was doughy… amazing… B) “Keep an old towel handy because your hands will get VERY oily.” Holy messiness batman! I couldn’t believe the oils! On the bright side… my hands don’t feel as dry any more. LOL!I blogged you a thanks 😉


    1. Tara – Thank you so much! I’m happy you enjoyed them!


  8. A friend just recently suggested your blog to me and this was the first recipe I tried. My family loved them! I was trying to go this alone for the last week and a half and was feeling extremely overwhelmed. Thank you for this blog…everything looks so good and SO easy. Jum-jills are our new fave! I love that I can have that chewy, sweet fix and not feel icky afterward. Only one problem though…I had to walk away and not eat ALL of them!! Can’t wait until tomorrow when I can have another! Thank you!!


    1. Fierro – Haha!! Ya, that’s the only problem with them. It’s sooooo hard to restrain yourself!! Glad you enjoyed them though, and welcome to my blog!


  9. These look like a lot of fun! I was wondering if you’d have a suggestion on a substitute for the cashews. My oldest daughter is allergic to peanuts and cashews. Do you think the dates would pair well with, say, almonds or walnuts? Thanks!


    1. Julia – I think walnuts would work best in your case. Better than almonds. Enjoy!


  10. Tracy – You could try pecans. They would be good!


  11. Kay – You’re welcome! Enjoy!


  12. These seem soo easy! I’ve been looking for some recipes this morning, determined to start a clean eating diet with my family. Your website is inspiring me. Making a list now to head out to Whole Foods and the farmers market with several of your recipes handy! 🙂 thanks!


    1. TTCET – You’ll do great! Just take baby steps. Slowly convert your kitchen and you’ll get there.


  13. Just made a batch and they smell great! I think my balls were a little big though, I only got 28 out of the batch. Thanks for the awesome ides!


    1. Teresa – Ya, the sizing can be a bit tricky. Hope you enjoy them!


  14. I just made these and I am addicted!


    1. Haha!! Enjoy!


  15. Rvd – The dates are dried. I’ve never seen them in a jar or can. Always in a package. I pretty much taught myself to cook, so I can tell you that as long as you keep cooking(ever when you burn things beyond recognition), eventually, you will get the hang of it. Just keep trying one recipe after the other. You’ll pick up an instinct for what works and what doesn’t. And feel free to ask questions here. You can always email me as well. But most important, HAVE FUN!!!! I promise, cooking is indeed fun. 🙂


  16. Pingback: Keener Cravings and the Freshman Five « A Lighter, Brighter Life

  17. Pingback: Jills pantry | Bestoptionsnew

  18. Pingback: Clean Eating Recipes | Clean Eating Foods That Travel Well

  19. Can I use roasted cashews?


    1. Kristin – Unfortunately, no. They don’t grind the same way when they are roasted.


Jum Jills (Energy Balls) Recipe | The Gracious Pantry (2024)
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