Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (2024)

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (1)

By: Becky Hardin

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This SALTED CARAMEL EGGNOG recipe is my new holiday favorite! This is one easy eggnog recipe; I never knew it was so simple to make at home. Made on the stove in under 15 minutes and SO delicious!

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (2)

Table of Contents

Caramel Eggnog Recipe

This easy eggnog recipe is one of my favorites. Salted Caramel Eggnog is so delicious, it’s the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season!

I dream about this Salted Caramel eggnog recipe ALL YEAR LONG! Holiday drinks are always the best drinks, and eggnog is my FAVORITE holiday drink ever. It’s such a comforting, nostalgic, festive thing to sip on throughout fall and winter, especially at parties or holiday get togethers. It instantly makes any party feel special.

This easy eggnog recipe is EXTRA special because it’s filled with the beautiful flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg, sea salt, and (of course) caramel. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and salty. It’s even better when it’s topped with whipped egg whites, caramel syrup, and extra cinnamon. YUM!

This Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe can easily be made with or without rum. So if you want an alcoholic eggnog recipe, we’ve got you covered. And if you want to share it with the whole family, no worries! Just exclude the rum from the recipe and you’ve got the same great caramel flavor.

Make this delicious Salted Caramel Eggnog (with or without rum) for the holiday season. This easy eggnog recipe will be your new favorite!

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (3)

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (4)

Easy Eggnog Recipe

So call me crazy, but I had NO CLUE that making eggnog on the stove was maybe the most super simple thing ever. I assumed eggnog had to be made over hours and hours and could only be bought in stores (I KNOW). Well…good news everyone, that’s not the case.

This easy eggnog recipe is super fast (like, under 15 minutes), and so delicious and comforting. Thanksgiving and Christmas in a glass.I love the added flair the salted caramel brings to this classic drink. It’s just too good!

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (5)

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (6)

How to Make Salted Caramel Eggnog

This easy eggnog recipe is made in just minutes, you won’t believe it! I always thought I had to buy eggnog at the store…because clearly I’m not qualified to make something of this class and taste in my own home! But it’s so much easier than I thought, and I’m officially addicted. I especially love that this recipe can be made with or without the rum, so you can choose to make it for the whole family, or for adults only.

How to make this eggnog recipe:

  1. Combine milk, cream, cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg in a saucepan and heat. Remove from heat as soon as it starts to boil, then let it sit 5-10 minutes to cool.
  2. Beat eggs and sugar in a stand mixer, then pour it into the milk mixture and whisk quickly to combine.
  3. Mix in caramel and sea salt (and rum for alcoholic eggnog version).

The eggnog is ready to pour and serve at this point. If you’d like to get a little fancy, beat egg whites until they’re fluffy and start to peak, then add them on top of the eggnog. Don’t forget to garnish with extra cinnamon and caramel syrup! Check the recipe card for detailed instructions.

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (7)

Best Eggnog Recipe

I LOVE eggnog. It’s so creamy, so rich, and so flavorful! It feels like such a fun and decadent thing to sip on, which makes it feel extra special and totally worthy of holiday parties. This Salted Caramel Eggnog might be my new favorite version (possibly the BEST eggnog recipe?). Not only is this a super easy eggnog recipe, but it’s just so tasty. I love the sweet and salty aspect, and it’s just so much fun to drink (with or without alcohol).

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (8)

I hope you love this easy Salted Caramel Eggnog recipe as much as I do. It’s so delicious, and it’s such a fun thing to share with friends and family around the holidays.

See the recipe card below for details on how to make this Salted Caramel Eggnog recipe. Enjoy!

If you like this eggnog recipe, try these other festive drink recipes:

  • Caramel Apple Hot Toddy co*cktail
  • Festive Snow Punch
  • Sparkling Apple Pie on the Rocks
  • Easy Holiday Sangria
  • Slow Cooker Peppermint Hot Chocolate
  • Chocolate Hot Buttered Rum


Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog

4.43 from 21 votes

Author: Becky Hardin - The Cookie Rookie

Prep: 5 minutes minutes

Cook: 10 minutes minutes

Total: 15 minutes minutes

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (9)

Serves4 glasses

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This SALTED CARAMEL EGGNOG recipe is my new holiday favorite! This is one easy eggnog recipe; I never knew it was so simple to make at home. Made on the stove in under 15 minutes and SO delicious!

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (10)

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  • 3 cups whole milk 681 grams
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream 227 grams
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • ¾ tablespoon pure vanilla extract 9 grams
  • 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg 3 grams
  • 5 large eggs 250 grams
  • cup granulated sugar 133 grams
  • ½ cup caramel syrup 160 grams, plus more for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt 9 grams, plus more for garnish (SEE NOTE)
  • ¾ cup good quality dark rum 170 grams, optional
  • 2 large egg whites 70 grams, optional, for garnish (SEE NOTE)

Recommended Equipment


  • In a large saucepan, combine the milk, cream, cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Be careful when bringing to a boil that the milk doesn't boil over the pan. As soon as you see it bubbling, remove from heat.

    3 cups whole milk, 1 cup heavy whipping cream, 4 cinnamon sticks, ¾ tablespoon pure vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg

  • Allow to sit for at least 5-10 minutes to steep. (you want to make sure the milk mixture isn't hot enough to cook the eggs once added. So allow to sit for a little bit off the heat before the next step) :)

  • In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the eggs and sugar on medium-high/high until fully combined.

    5 large eggs, ⅔ cup granulated sugar

  • Pour the egg mixture into the milk and whisk quickly until fully combined.

  • Add caramel, sea salt, and rum (if using). Continue whisking to fully combine.

    ½ cup caramel syrup, 1 tablespoon sea salt, ¾ cup good quality dark rum

  • When you're ready to serve, beat the egg whites on high until foamy peaks form. (this is optional).

    2 large egg whites

  • Pour the eggnog into the glass leaving a bit of room at the top. Top with fluffy egg whites (optional)

  • Garnish with nutmeg and caramel sauce.

Last step! Don’t forget to show me a pic of what you made! Upload an image or tag me @thecookierookie on Instagram!

Becky’s tips

  • If using table salt, reduce the quantity by half. Start with less and adjust to your individual tastes!
  • As always, consuming raw eggs is at your own risk and totally up to each individual person.

Nutrition Information

Serving: 1glass Calories: 713kcal (36%) Carbohydrates: 61g (20%) Protein: 18g (36%) Fat: 34g (52%) Saturated Fat: 19g (119%) Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g Monounsaturated Fat: 9g Trans Fat: 0.02g Cholesterol: 322mg (107%) Sodium: 2043mg (89%) Potassium: 470mg (13%) Fiber: 0.1g Sugar: 61g (68%) Vitamin A: 1535IU (31%) Vitamin C: 1mg (1%) Calcium: 317mg (32%) Iron: 1mg (6%)

Did You Make This?I want to see! Be sure to upload an image below & tag @thecookierookie on social media!

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (11)

Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (12)

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Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Recipe - The Cookie Rookie® (2024)


What is best to spike egg nog? ›

While brandy is the most traditional alcohol to pair with eggnog, according to traditional recipes, you can also use a mixture of dark rum and Cognac. If you like your eggnog with more of a kick you can also add bourbon, but we recommend sticking to rum and Cognac to preserve the 'nog's flavors.

Does eggnog thicken as it ages? ›

Boozy eggnog will also continue to thicken in the fridge as it ages.

How long can you age homemade eggnog? ›

A fresh batch of eggnog can mature for months, or even years. And some say that's a good thing.

What changed to make eggnog a popular holiday drink by the 1700s? ›

In the 1700s, rum from the Caribbean was the American eggnog alcohol of choice. But it was scarce during the revolution, so it was traded out for moonshine. This might explain why it became associated with the Christmas season. It warmed up drinkers in the cold weather, and true eggnog called for expensive liquor.

Does eggnog curdle with alcohol? ›

Though rare, there is the potential that eggnog will curdle when it's mixed with alcohol. That's typically due to too much acid interacting with the dairy. This can come from high-proof liquor or milk that's either lower in fat or going sour. For the best eggnog, use fresh, preferably whole, milk.

How long does spiked eggnog last on the shelf? ›

Opened bottled eggnog with alcohol: Once opened, the alcoholic eggnog may last several weeks in the fridge [1].

Can you eat 100 year old egg nog? ›

Century eggs prepared in traditional ways are generally safe to consume.

What makes eggnog unhealthy? ›

“While there are different eggnog recipes, most eggnog will typically contain high amounts of fat from cream and milk, and added sugar for sweetness,” said Cohn. The American Heart Association recommends that people consume no more than 5% to 6% of calories from saturated fat every day to support heart health.

Is it OK to drink a lot of eggnog? ›

Traditionally made with eggs, cream, milk, and sugar, no one would say that eggnog is a healthy drink. Even a small serving can pack significant amounts of calories, fat, saturated fat, and added sugars. And then there's the fact that homemade eggnog made with raw eggs can be a food-poisoning risk.

Can you freeze eggnog? ›

Luckily, you can freeze eggnog and enjoy it safely past the holiday season. In fact, the sweet, custardy liquid is great to keep on hand to add extra flavor to recipes or speed up a quick and convenient breakfast (like this Eggnog French Toast Casserole).

What kind of rum goes with eggnog? ›

If you'd like to add rum to your mugful, opt for a golden or dark rum. These kinds of rum have more depth of flavor than white rum. You can also add spiced rum if you want to add a kick to your drink, but know that spiced rum may overwhelm the flavor of your homemade eggnog.

Do they still make canned eggnog? ›

Not just for the holidays, Borden EggNog is a versatile ingredient that adds a rich moistness to recipes and a unique flavor to mixed drinks. And with our new reclosable cap it's now more convenient than ever to celebrate every day!

What did eggnog used to be called? ›

"While culinary historians debate its exact lineage, most agree eggnog originated from the early medieval" British drink called posset, which was made with hot milk that was curdled with wine or ale and flavored with spices. In the Middle Ages, posset was used as a cold and flu remedy.

Why do we only drink eggnog during Christmas? ›

It was thought that the use of “luxury” ingredients such as cream and alcohol would invite prosperity into the household for the coming year. In most households today, a cup of eggnog ushers in the good cheer of the holiday more so than any belief in impending wealth.

Why is eggnog only sold at Christmas? ›

The History of Eggnog

The custom of toasting to the new season with this festive co*cktail actually began during Britain's early medieval years, and the drink later became popular in the American colonies by the 19th century. However, per TIME, eggnog has been associated with Christmas since the 1700s.

Should spiked eggnog be served cold? ›

Is Eggnog Served Hot or Cold? Eggnog is traditionally served as a punch at parties, and as such, is usually chilled or room temperature. However, warmed eggnog is also a delightful treat. In this case, we say "to each your own!" Enjoy your eggnog however you like it.

What liquor to add to eggnog reddit? ›

Traditionally, it should be rum. I'd do bourbon because I love bourbon and I think bourbon goes well with the flavors of eggnog. Brandy also works quite well. There's always vodka if you're looking for a 'cleaner' flavor.

What kind of bourbon do you use for eggnog? ›

Why It Pairs Well: Cask Strength is key to this choice. Maker Mark Cask Strength's undiluted bourbon, with its intense sweetness, makes eggnog dessert-like.

Can you add vodka to eggnog? ›

The eggnog white russian co*cktail is perfect for the holiday season! Coffee liqueur mixed with vanilla vodka and eggnog and topped with freshly grated nutmeg is the perfect treat and oh-so festive!

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